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I have read and accept the terms and conditions.
  1. We will only contact you to connect to your PC for reinstallation of your Western Union system. We will never call you to connect on your PC for anything else. Therefore if you have never asked for a reinstallation we will never call you.
  2. We will only call you on specific date and time. We will call you because you have asked for a reinstallation of your Western Union system and we have fixed an appointment on specific date and time.
  3. We will call you on your land telephone line or mobile and after our CSC department has verified that you are the correct contact. We will never call you on your mobile or any other number that we do not have in our records as your contact number. 
  4. We will not talk to you unless our CSC department verifies that you are the correct contact through the normal procedures of verification. We will only ask you to connect at GAP Money Transfer UK or GAP Money Transfer Israel accordingly.